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Past Layouts

Watch the history of B.I.M.M. unfold... NOTE: Previous layouts' thubmnails of bimm before the makeover can be found by clicking here.

Fall Nymph

Version 1-Fall Nymph Dated from 8/1/02-8/3/02

This layout was to celebrate the updated bimm after a long year hiatus and a decision to have multiple galleries of different series instead of just sailor moon. It was very green, unlike any layout I've done before and was a chromeless popup. Very kawii, if I do say so myself.


Version 2-Seperation Dated from 8/3/02-8/7/02

This layout was pieced together real quickly beacuse I had found out that version 2 was no working in many browsers so it turned out simple. I am actually quite fond of it, really. I have always liked this picture of mamoru and usagi (from the anime sailor moon) and never got a chance to use it in any of my sites. It was a black/white layout, might I add beacuse I have always liked the dramatic effect of grey layouts.

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